Happy Holidays greetings cards, wishes, stickers or messages to your pals.Happy Holidays.Happy Holidays greetings cards, wishes, stickers or messages
Happy Holidays greetings cards, wishes, stickers or messages to your pals.
Happy Holidays.
Happy Holidays greetings cards, wishes, stickers or messages to your pals.
Choose from predefined templates to create greeting cards, wishes, stickers and messages.
You can share holidays greeting cards with friends and family on social apps like Whatsapp, Twitter, G+, Facebook, hike, Line, Wechat and others.
You can save or share the final photo.
Happy Holidays has unique features of:
1. All work in single screen.
2. Full view canvas.
3. Share holiday stickers to social apps.
4. Share holiday wishes to social apps.
5. Square, Landscape and Portrait support.
6. Add text on greetings
7. Doodle Text